Welcome to the website of the Vereniging van Utrechtse Geografie Studenten (V.U.G.S.). V.U.G.S. is the study association for students of Human Geography & Spatial Planning in Utrecht and is the oldest and biggest geographical student association on earth.
On our website you will find any and all information you may need, whether you are a member or not. You can find photo's of activities or register for upcoming activities. You can also find information about career opportunities or education.
Find out below what V.U.G.S. can do for you!
V.U.G.S. was founded on 13 octobre 1922 and is the world's oldest geographical student association.
During its century of history, V.U.G.S. has grown to become an active and lively study association with more than twenty committees.
If you want to know more about the history, the board or the committees of V.U.G.S? Press the button down below!
Additionally V.U.G.S. organises many study-related activities, from excursions to course evaluation lunches. Some activities, such as the Foreign Excursion, are asides from being informative also very engaging. Other activities, such as the Thesislunch, give useful insight into the bachelor study programme.
On the page "Education" you can read more about what V.U.G.S. can do for you!
Looking for an internship or a job? Or do you want to know more about companies related to Human Geography & Spatial Planning? The Career page may contain your answer!
Are you with a company, and would you like to collaborate with V.U.G.S? In that case the Career page may also be in your interest! Here you can find information about sponsoring and find out what the possibilities for collaboration are.
Below you will find upcoming activities and news items about V.U.G.S. Curious about all activities? Head on over to the Activities page using the button down below! Look for pictures and media of activities? Press the Media button!
StafStu Cabaret bijna uitverkocht
De kaartjes zijn ontzettend hard gegaan en het Staf Studenten Cabaret is bijna uitverkocht!! Mocht je nog geen kaartje hebben gekocht, wees er snel bij!
Nieuwe update onderwijs
Er is weer een nieuwe update over onderwijs beschikbaar. Check het onder het kopje onderwijs!
Wordt Studentvriend!
Het Utrechts Universiteitsfonds steunt studenten. Als Studentvriend steun je niet alleen de wetenschappelijke en persoonlijke ontwikkeling van Utrechtse studenten, maar je kunt zelf ook subsidie aanvragen. Dus wil je een […]
V.U.G.S. op Instagram
Volg @v.u.g.s op Instagram en blijf altijd op de hoogte van activiteiten en verenigingszaken!!!