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Cookiewall (EN)

As part of the “Analytics”-service, the American company Google places a cookie on our website. We use this service to obtain reports on how visitors use our website. Google is allowed to pass this information through to third parties, if they are obliged by law or when third parties process our data on behalf of Google. We are in no means in the position to influence this process.

All the data collected by Google will be anonymized as much as possible. Your IP-address will especially not be shown. The data will be transferred to the United States and saved on cloud-servers by Google in the United States. Google shall follow the rules of the Privacy Shield Principles and is part of the Privacy Shield-policy statement of the United States Department of Commerce, which includes an appropriate level of protection for the processing of personal data.

On our website certain buttons have been placed, to promote webpages on social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. These buttons contain codes form these social media-companies. Cookies are placed by these codes and we are in no means in the position to influence this process. We recommend you to read the privacy statement of these companies (which vary very often), to read what they will do with your personal data, obtained by these cookies.

The data collected will be anonymized as much as possible. The information will be transferred to and by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and uploaded to servers in the United States. They shall follow the rules of the Privacy Shield Principles and is part of the Privacy Shield-policy statement of the United States Department of Commerce, which includes an appropriate level of protection for the processing of personal data.